There are no limitations. The quantity of products you wish to add is set by you.We’ve kept our E-Commerce QR Website’s cost effective, by giving you publishing rights. It’s a simple process of replacing our demo content with your own. However, we can add products for you, including images, prices, descriptions etc. You must provide us with the completed content that you wish us to add, for each product or service. Or, we can copy content from your own website, if you have one already. The whole purpose of what we provide is to have a stand alone store or B2B Contactless Website. It’s the only way, especially during lock down, to sell to your customers, by effectively avoiding distraction, or conduct B2B Business. After you’ve logged in to your dashboard, you can see how easy it is to add your products and/or services. After your initial investment, you can either add more products yourself or invest in adding more products to your store, by having us add them for you. We charge a small fee for altering any product descriptions, price details etc. Unlike most conventional web design Companies that only sell the complete design package, at Contact Free Agency, this is optional. If you decide to do it yourself, it’s easy and only takes around 5 to 15, minutes to add a product or service, along with its description etc.
“Let’s help get your business profitable again”